Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June Picks: Fashion

Today we bring you our top June fashion related picks. Let us know what your favorite things for June are!

1. Fedora: They are just so effortlessly cool. Wear one to the beach or out for dinner and drinks on a patio.
2. Light weight scarf in a bright color: I always keep a scarf in my purse when I go out to dinner or shopping so I can throw it on when the AC is too cool.
3. sundresses: I cannot express what a summer staple sundresses are for me. I wear them everyday. Perfect for the heat and just are just so adorable. Why would wanna wear anything but a dress?
4. Raybans: My favorite. I am in love with my Raybans. I used to only buy cheap sunglasses and lose/break them often. Having a nicer pair of shades has taught me to be more responsible. Plus Raybans = instacool.
5. Hair flowers: Is there anything that says summer more than a flower tucked in your hair? So tropical and fun! Bonus points for a real flower.
6. Daisy Dukes: These are obviously a classic summer staple. They look cute with almost any top and for a second you can pretend you are Jessica Simpson strutting your stuff in the Dukes of Hazzard.
7. Fringe Sandals: Fringe and suede. I am in love. These sandals would complete any cool girl summer outfit.
8. Turquoise jewelry: Although I have a turquoise jewelry obsession and wear it all year long it seems like summer month are ideal for this stone. It looks great with a tan and adds a chic element to any outfit.

         June Picks: Fashion
1. Coral: I can't get enough of coral colored things for this summer. It's one of the best colors to compliment my tan skin and dark brown hair. 
2. Vintage inspired jewelry: I love vintage pieces and one of my favorite ways to incorporate them into my wardrobe for the summer is through jewelry pieces such as lockets. 
3. Aviators: I own several different shapes of sunglasses but when I'm running out the door I always seem to grab my aviators. To me they represent summertime. 
4. Havaiana Flip Flops: I simply cannot live without my Havaianas. Being a Brazilian, these are the only flip flops I wear and to me you can never have enough of the most comfortable summer shoes there are. 
5. Floral Print: Florals are huge this summer and I'm in love. Whether it's my jewelry, headbands, or clothes, I wear at least one floral item almost every day.
6. Skinny Belts: I love skinny belts all year round, but this summer I'm especially loving throwing on a flowy loose tank, and belting it to give it some shape. 
7. Sundresses: No summer is complete without a good bunch of sundresses. They're so easy to throw on in a hurry and on those scorching hot days, they're perfect for keeping cool.
8. Big Bold Accessories: Some mornings I feel so uninspired when putting together my outfit, so most of the time I throw on a simple white or black top, dark skinny jeans, and some bold accessories. It's so easy to dress up a normally plain outfit with some fun summer colors. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bre baybay! I have that first dress on my UO wish list! I feel very fashionable now :)


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