Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Break Must Haves

It's finally time for Spring Break 2012! Hopefully you're lucky enough to be heading somewhere warm for your week off, and here's a list of must haves your bag.

1. SPF, most important!!
2. A journal to jot down your thoughts or memories/experiences.
3. An iPod is crucial if you're planning on catching some rays.
4. A good book or five.
5. Sunglasses
6. A water bottle that's good at keeping liquids cold for a long time!
7. Extra hair ties and bobby pins.
8. Body mist and deodorant since you never know where you might head to after being in the sun.
9. Salt spray for your hair if you like the beachy wave look.
10. Snack bars to stay energized.
11. Cash on hand just incase, since you're probably in an unfamiliar area.
12. Ibuprofen (Hi we're in college, this should be obvious)
13. Coverup that's easy to throw over your bathing suit.
14. Proper Identification if you're leaving the country.
15. A camera to document all of the best moments!

What are your must haves for the beach or a vacation in general?

Enjoy your time off! You deserve it!


  1. OH WOW, I'm going to have to try the salt spray... My hair is soooo CURLY everytime I go to the beach, I'm def going to have to try that :)
    And a notebook for your thoughts! Yes, agreed.

  2. I can't wait for spring break! I am going to Disneyland! :)



  3. We still haven't decided where we are going for spring break. If we go somewhere warm I definetly want to buy some salt spray in hopes it will cut down the amount of time I spend on my hair.


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